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Found 11 matches for: 'Stefan Hundt' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Harry Trevor
Marilyn Martin  - (introduction by)
Hayden Proud  - (curated with an essay by)
Stefan Hundt  - (curated by)
Harry Trevor  (1921-1970) - (title)
2: Jacques Fuller Sculptor
Stefan Hundt  - (curated with an introduction by)
Sharon Crampton  - (curated by)
Sharon Crampton  - (interviews by)
Jacques Fuller  - (interview with)
3: Jacques Fuller Sculptor
Stefan Hundt  - (curated with an introduction by)
Sharon Crampton  - (curated by)
Jacques Fuller  - (title)
4: Unknown
Stefan Hundt  - (edited with a preface by)
Jan van der Merwe  - (title)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff  - (introduction by)
5: Johann Louw
Johann Louw  - (title)
Stefan Hundt  - (edited with an introduction by)
6: Decade
Stefan Hundt  - (curated with an introduction by)
7: Gerard de Leeuw
Stefan Hundt  - (foreword by)
Fred Scott  - (curated with an introduction by)
8: Hidden Life
Stefan Hundt  - (edited with an introduction by)
Clare Menck  - (title)
9: Sanlam Portrait Award 2015
Stefan Hundt  - (introduction by)
10: Uitsig
Ashley Walters  - (photographs by)
Stefan Hundt  - (introduction by)
11: Contested Visions
Stefan Hundt

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